Does Drinking Water Help You Lose Weight?

 Does Consuming Water Aid in Weight Loss?

Your daily beverage choices might help (or completely hurt) your efforts to lose weight.

According to Roxana Ehsani, MS, RD, CSSD, LDN, registered dietitian nutritionist and national media spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, "People frequently are eating properly but don't worry about their beverages." 

"They could consume many sodas per day, juices, and flavored drinks, all of which are high in calories due to their sugar and carbohydrate content."

On the other hand, your weight reduction may improve if you choose healthier drinks.

"Once you cut out calorie-rich beverages from your day, you may immediately see a shift in weight just by cutting out any calorie-containing beverage that you like to consume a lot of every day," says Ehsani.

Water is the finest beverage to consume if you want to lose weight.

Water is the one beverage that, in my opinion, we need more of since it is absolutely free, widely available, has no calories, added sugar, or tastes, and your body requires it more than any other beverage. Drink of water.

How water aids in weight loss

There are several benefits to drinking more water.

We need water every day since it makes up the majority of our bodies, says Ehsani. "For our general health and well-being, it is crucial. It expedites the process! It helps prevent constipation by removing waste from your body through your digestive system. It can aid in your weight loss, "she claims.

And especially for weight loss, it has been supported by scientific research.

According to studies, drinking enough water might help you lose weight by preventing overeating, adds Ehsani. "If you are having a meal and are dehydrated, you are more prone to confuse thirst for hunger and keep eating when perhaps you are simply thirsty."

She continues by pointing out that studies have shown that those who drank water before meals consumed less food at mealtimes since adequate water consumption was proven to decrease appetites in older persons.

How much water should be consumed daily to promote weight loss?

How much do you thus need? Of course, you've surely heard that eight glasses a day are the recommended amount, but there are really more.

According to Ehsani, the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine advise males to consume 15 12 cups per day and 11 12 cups per day for women.

Ehsani advises starting lightly and working your way up if you are nowhere close to that amount.

"Currently only having four to five cups? Set reminders around your home and place of employment to remember yourself to drink, and make an effort to drink at least six glasses every day "she claims. "Put it on your desk, set a calendar reminder, or use your watch to remind you. Install an app that records your daily water consumption and serves as a reminder."


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