Lose weight

 If you want to lose weight, the best time to exercise is in the morning.

When do you go for your workout?

While exercise has many advantages regardless of when you do it, a recent study suggests that the time of day you exercise impacts your goals.

According to a US study, women who want to lose weight should exercise in the morning, while those who want to gain muscle should exercise in the evening.

It also reveals that the ideal time to exercise for men and women may be different — women burnt more body fat during morning activity, whilst men benefited more from evening exercise.

While the actual cause of the findings is unknown, the study's authors speculate that it may be linked to variances in hormones, biological clocks, and circadian rhythms (sleep-wake cycles).

Women may burn more body fat in the morning, according to the study, since they are more likely to have extra belly fat.

Women can lose belly fat by exercising first thing in the morning.

It should be mentioned that regardless of when they exercised, all people who participated in and followed the study improved their general health and performance during the experiment.

Dr. Paul Arciero, main research author and professor of health and human physiological sciences at Skidmore College in New York State, told the BBC that "the optimal time for exercise is the greatest time you can do it and fit it into your calendar."

He did, however, imply that there is "something more going on," which might mean that the best time to exercise depends on your goals and differs for men and women.

Dr. Arciero emphasized that women who wish to lose weight around their midsection and lower their blood pressure should exercise first thing in the morning.

Tummy fat must be lost since it can encircle the body's internal organs, such as the liver, posing a threat.

Read more: 10 weight-loss methods that are excellent for your body and mind, according to experts

Women who wish to increase their upper-body muscular strength, as well as their general mood and food intake, should exercise in the evening, he suggested.

While the men in the study were less influenced by the time they worked out, with strength improving in both the mornings and nights, the latter was shown to be "excellent for males interested in improving cardiac and metabolic health, as well as mental wellness."

Weight loss, regular exercise, a healthy and balanced diet, quitting smoking, and limiting alcohol use can all assist to avoid or reverse metabolic syndrome.'

According to the NHS, this is the medical name for a combination of diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension), and obesity, which might increase your risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and other blood vessel diseases.

Men can enhance their metabolic and cardiovascular health by exercising in the evening. (Photo credit: Getty Images)

For 12 weeks, 30 women and 26 men — all nonsmokers, healthy, and between the ages of 25 and 55 – participated in a supervised exercise program. Stretching, sprinting, resistance, and endurance training were all part of the workout.

They were given either early morning sessions (between 6.30-8.30 a.m.) or evening sessions (6-8 p.m.), with each day's program lasting less than an hour except for endurance, which lasted an hour or more.

Dietician-designed meal plans were given to both men and women in both groups.

Throughout the trial, researchers monitored everyone's blood pressure, body fat, flexibility, strength, and aerobic power, looking for any changes.


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