How can I reverse skinny fat without getting skinnier?

 How can I reverse skinny fat without getting skinnier?

What is "Skinny Fat" and How Can I Stay Away From It?

What is the definition of Skinny Fat?

The phrase "skinny fat" is a bit of a misnomer.

It sounds like a pseudoscience phrase coined by someone to humiliate even the fittest of humans.

However, there is a scientifically legitimate definition for "slim fat," which goes like this:

Being thin fat means you're metabolically obese while maintaining a healthy weight, which means you have too little muscle and too much fat. Basically, it's an imbalance between muscle and fat that can make you look overweight even if you're at your optimal weight.

The BMI of a thin fat or metabolically obese normal weight (MONW) person might be the same as that of a ripped person. Despite this, the thin obese person will still be overweight.

The skinny fat syndrome can make someone who has the same body fat percentage as someone who is ripped appear overweight.

If you want to lose weight...

Why Are Some People Fat and Skinny?

The sort of workouts you do is the major factor in how slim fat you become and stay. When a person loses a lot of weight quickly, generally by extreme calorie restriction and a lot of activity, they get the "thin fat appearance."

While that recipe can help you lose weight fast, it isn't entirely nutritious, and the weight you lose seldom stays off. It's also a wonderful technique to grow fat while being thin. Here's why calorie restriction and/or cardio aren't good for you.

If you want to lose weight...

Why Is Calorie Restriction So Harmful?

A calorie limitation of more than 25% should never be required in a healthy diet. For starters, anything more than that will cause you to lose both fat and muscle. That's an excellent method to sabotage your fat-to-muscle ratio and turn thin fat.

Second, cutting your calories by 30% or even 40% lowers your metabolic rate, which is hazardous. When you eat fewer calories than you burn, your metabolism slows down, causing you to burn fewer and fewer calories naturally.

Maintaining your muscle mass and metabolism is crucial to sticking to any weight-loss plan. If you don't, you'll end up thin and obese.

Why Doing a Lot of Cardio Isn't Good

When coupled with high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and weight lifting, cardio can be beneficial in modest doses. Endurance exercise, on the other hand, has been found to inhibit muscular development. The more exercise you perform, the worse your outcomes get.

Resistance exercise, on the other hand, helps you lose weight while keeping your muscle mass and metabolic rate the same. In other words, cardio will aid weight loss, while resistance training will aid fat loss. The distinction between the two might appear insignificant until it's too late. All that's left is skinny fat.

How to Lose Weight When You're Skinny

Now for the most crucial question: how can you shed fat whilst being skinny?

The most essential step in achieving your body recomposition objective is to maintain a healthy diet. That is something we can assist you with.

Once your diet is in order, you should set two objectives. You must both shed fat and develop muscle to reverse the impacts that made you thin fat. It may come as a surprise, but muscle growth is more essential than fat loss.

If you want to lose weight...

No matter how much fat you shed, your body will never look the way you want it to without muscle. The lower your body fat percentage must be in order for your muscles to be seen, the less muscle you have. Making your muscles more apparent is practically equivalent to getting rid of thin fat.

As a result, building muscle should be your first goal.

Focusing on resistance training with compound motions is the greatest approach to developing muscles. Squats, chest presses, and deadlifts are examples of traditional lifts. Reduce your cardio in the meantime. It inhibits muscular development, as previously stated.

Fat loss will occur as a result of a good diet and frequent resistance workouts.


The lower your muscular mass, the more likely you are to seem "skinny fat." Focusing on strength training with traditional, complex exercises while reducing cardio is the greatest approach to developing muscle. Continuous strength training combined with a balanced diet will eventually result in fat reduction and body recomposition. Bid farewell to your slender fat.


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