How can I drop 20 pounds fast? How can I get skinny in 7 days?
How can I drop 20 pounds fast? How can I get skinny in 7 days?
How to Lose 20 Pounds in the Shortest Time
Whether you want to drop five pounds or twenty, losing weight can be difficult.
It necessitates not just dietary and behavioral modifications, but also a great deal of patience.
Fortunately, using a number of tried-and-true methods can help you lose weight quickly and easily.
Here are ten of the most effective strategies to lose 20 pounds rapidly and securely.
1. Calorie Count
Although it may seem obvious, counting calories is one of the simplest and most efficient strategies to begin losing weight quickly.
Weight loss happens when you expend more calories than you consume, whether through calorie restriction or increased physical activity.
While limiting calories alone aren't considered a long-term weight-loss strategy, tracking calories can be a useful tool when combined with other dietary and lifestyle changes.
Keeping track of your calorie consumption will help you become more conscious of what you're eating and provide you the information you need to make better decisions.
An analysis of 37 trials revealed that weight reduction regimens that included calorie tracking resulted in 7.3 pounds (3.3 kg) greater weight loss than those that did not (1Trusted Source).
Use an app or a food journal to keep track of your calorie consumption.
2. Increase Your Water Consumption
Increasing your water consumption is a simple and low-effort approach to promote weight reduction.
In fact, one 12-week research revealed that combining a low-calorie diet with greater water intake before meals resulted in 44% more weight reduction (2Trusted Source).
According to research, water can help you lose weight by speeding up your metabolism and temporarily boosting the number of calories you burn after you eat.
Drinking 16.9 fluid ounces (500 ml) of water for 30–40 minutes increased metabolism by 30% in 14 people, according to one research.
Drinking water with meals might help you feel fuller longer, which can help you eat less.
One small research found that consuming 16.9 fluid ounces (500 ml) of water before a meal cut the number of calories ingested by 13%. (4Trusted Source).
To achieve the greatest outcomes, drink at least 34–68 fluid ounces (1–2 liters) of water each day.
3. Boost Your Protein Consumption
It's critical to include more protein-rich meals in your diet if you want to drop 20 pounds quickly.
During weight reduction, a high-protein diet has been linked to decreased abdominal fat, as well as retained muscle mass and metabolism (5Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source).
Protein can also help you lose weight by reducing your appetite and calorie consumption.
In a study of 19 individuals, increasing protein consumption by 15% enhanced sensations of fullness while also lowering calorie intake, belly fat, and body weight.
Another research found that eating a high-protein breakfast lowers ghrelin levels, the hormone that promotes hunger, significantly more than eating a high-carb meal (8Trusted Source).
Protein may be found in a variety of foods, including meat, fish, poultry, legumes, eggs, nuts, and seeds.
4. Reduce your carb intake
Another effective approach for accelerating weight reduction is to reduce your consumption of refined carbohydrates.
Refined carbohydrates have had their nutritional and fiber content taken away during processing, resulting in a nutrient-deficient end product.
Furthermore, they have a high glycemic index, which indicates they are easily digested and absorbed. Blood sugar levels surge and drop as a result of rapid digestion, followed by an increase in appetite (9Trusted Source).
High-refined carbohydrate consumption has also been related to increased body fat and weight gain.
For example, a research of 2,834 adults revealed that eating more refined carbs was linked to having more belly fat, whereas eating more whole grains was linked to having less belly fat (10Trusted Source).
Another small study found that eating a diet high in whole grains reduced body weight and calorie intake when compared to a diet high in refined grains (11 Trusted Source).
To begin, just substitute healthy, whole-grain alternatives such as couscous, quinoa, brown rice, or barley for refined grains in the pasta, white bread, cereals, and pre-packaged goods.
5. Begin to Lift Weights
Working against a force to improve muscular strength and endurance is referred to as resistance training.
Resistance exercise can help you burn more calories even while you're at rest by increasing fat burning and metabolism.
According to one study, 10 weeks of resistance exercise can boost metabolism by 7%, normalize blood sugar in diabetics, and help people lose 4 pounds (1.8 kg) of fat (12Trusted Source).
Another research of 94 women found that resistance exercise helped to maintain fat-free mass and metabolism following weight reduction, allowing the body to burn more calories throughout the day.
Start by going to the gym or practicing bodyweight exercises like squats, planks, and lunges at home.
6. Consume More Fiber
Fiber passes through your gastrointestinal tract slowly and undigested, delaying the emptying of your stomach and keeping you feeling fuller for longer (14Trusted Source, 15Trusted Source).
In one research, 33 grams of insoluble fiber, which is typically present in wheat and vegetables, was found to be beneficial in reducing hunger and food consumption in healthy males (16Trusted Source).
Fiber's satiety-inducing properties may have significant weight-control implications.
Even without making any other dietary or lifestyle modifications, increasing fiber intake by 14 grams per day was associated with a 10% reduction in calorie consumption and 4.2 pounds (1.9 kg) of weight loss over a four-month period, according to one study (17Trusted Source).
Furthermore, 20-month research of 252 women revealed that each gram of dietary fiber ingested was linked to a reduction of 0.5 pounds (0.25 kg) in body weight and 0.25 percent reduction in body fat (18Trusted Source).
Fiber is found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, and it is essential for a balanced weight-reduction diet.
7. Establish a Sleep Routine
While changing your diet and exercising regularly are undoubtedly the two most essential ways to lose 20 pounds, the quantity of sleep you get may also play a factor.
In fact, a study of 245 women found that sleeping at least seven hours each night and obtaining improved sleep quality boosted the chances of weight reduction success by 33%. (19Trusted Source).
Sleep deprivation may cause the pounds to steadily pile on over time, just as getting adequate sleep can set you up for success.
Women who slept five hours or less each night gained an average of 2.5 pounds (1.14 kg) more than women who slept at least seven hours per night, according to research that followed 68,183 women for 16 years (20Trusted Source).
Another study found that even one night of sleep deprivation might raise hunger hormone levels, potentially leading to increased appetite and weight gain (21Trusted Source).
To develop a good sleep cycle and boost weight loss, try performing a bedtime ritual each night, keeping to a schedule, and limiting your caffeine intake before bed.
8. Maintain Accountability
Long-term success depends on staying accountable to your weight loss objectives. There are several options for doing so.
When compared to weighing oneself less regularly, weighing yourself daily has been linked to higher weight reduction and a lower chance of weight return (22Trusted Source).
According to research, maintaining a food journal to track your intake and progress might help you lose weight faster and keep it off for longer (23Trusted Source, 24Trusted Source).
To boost your motivation and remain on track with your objectives, consider teaming with a buddy or joining an online weight reduction community.
9. Include Cardio in Your Workout
Adding exercise to your regimen is essential whether you want to lose one pound or twenty.
Cardio, also known as aerobic exercise, is a type of physical activity that helps strengthen your heart and lungs by increasing your heart rate.
Furthermore, it boosts the number of calories burned by your body, which aids fat and weight reduction.
Cardio exercise alone was found to be beneficial in causing considerable weight loss in 141 overweight and obese adults in one research.
In reality, 10 months of exercise to burn 400 calories or 600 calories resulted in an average weight reduction of 8.6 pounds (3.9 kg) and 11.5 pounds (5.2 kg), respectively (25Trusted Source).
Another study found that six months of aerobic exercise reduced body weight by 9% in 141 obese older individuals (26Trusted Source).
Aim for 150–300 minutes of exercise each week, or around 20–40 minutes per day, to optimize weight reduction (27Trusted Source).
Walking, jogging, jumping rope, rowing, and boxing are all simple and pleasant cardio exercises that can help you lose weight.
10. Take your time and eat slowly and mindfully.
Mindfulness is a technique for being more aware of one's thoughts and feelings while simultaneously focusing on the present moment.
Slowing down and practicing mindfulness while eating will help you lose weight and cut down on your consumption while also enabling you to appreciate your meal.
One tiny research, for example, found that eating slowly resulted in higher levels of satiety hormones and sensations of fullness than eating quickly (28Trusted Source).
Similarly, a study of 30 healthy women found that eating slowly reduced calorie intake and increased feelings of fullness when compared to eating faster (29Trusted Source).
In 68 percent of trials, mindfulness treatments were able to significantly enhance weight reduction, according to another assessment of 19 research (30Trusted Source).
To help yourself slow down and enjoy your meal, try avoiding distractions while eating, chewing your food more completely, and sipping water with your meal.
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