Which muscle is hardest to build?

5 OF THE MOST DIFFICULT BODY AREAS TO TRAIN Love handles, bingo wings, and belly pouches are all popular. Even if you work out with a personal trainer or an online fitness instructor in the UK on a regular basis, you may be frustrated by body parts that don't appear to respond to your efforts. The truth is that somebody parts are more difficult to train than others, and they often go unnoticed in our workouts, especially if we don't have access to a personal trainer. So, today, we'll look at the five body parts that are the most difficult to train, as well as the best workouts to target them. 1) Indirects. The traditional ab crunches are done by almost everyone, however, crunches won't help you build your obliques. The muscles on the sides of your abs are known as obliques. Both the internal and external obliques are large, potentially powerful muscles that require specialized workouts to target. If you only crunch, your abs may be defined but your obliques may b...